Jumat, September 25, 2009

Game Maker

Mudah dan otomatis

Bermain game adalah sesuatu kebiasaan yang sangat meng-asikkan. Apalagi kalau kita mampu untuk membuatnya. Pada era komputer sekarang ini, banyak pembuat game, menggunakan bahasa komputer atau lebih spesifiknya, mereka menggunakan encoding dalam membuat suatu game.

Apakah anda mau membuat game sendiri ? Apakah anda ingin membuat game tanpa menggunakan bahasa komputer ? Software Game Maker 7.0 memberikan semua jawaban dari pertanyaan anda tersebut.

Jika anda ingin membuat game sendiri, program ini adalah fasilitas pertama yang perlu anda coba. Game maker dapat dengan mudah anda install yang kemudian secara otomatis dapat anda gunakan. Anda bisa memulai proyek baru dengan software ini. Fasilitas yang mereka berikan seperti latar belakang, suara, file data, batas waktu, objek dan ruang, informasi dan pilihan permainan, dsb. Semua itu dapat anda konfigurasikan dengan bebas disini.

Secara khusus aplikasi ini menawarkan banyak control, seperti diturunkan, diputar, membuat sebagian menjadi transparan dan sebagian lagi bercampur dengan warna, dsb. Masing-masing fitur dapat menunjukkan anda untuk bagaimanan membuat suatu karya. Dan yang perlu diingat, yang sangat dibutuhkan disini adalah imajinasi.

Harga : gratis
Spesifikasi Minimum : Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98
Ukuran file : -
Download : Cnet.com atau Kornet


Hanya sekedar informasi.

Bagi yang ingin tahu mengenai antivirus terbaik saat ini, saya punya sedikit info yang baru .

Ini dia 10 terbaik antivirusnya dari urutan 1-10 :

1. BitDefender Antivirus 2009

Manufacturer: SOFTWIN

Version: 2009

2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009

Manufacturer: Kaspersky

Version: 2009

3. Webroot Antivirus 6

Manufacturer: Webroot Software

Version: 6

4. G DATA Antivirus 2009

Manufacturer: GData

Version: 2009

5. ESET Nod32 3

Manufacturer: Eset

Version: 3

6. ParetoLogic Anti-Virus PLUS 6

Manufacturer: ParetoLogic Inc.

Version: 6

7. AVG Anti-Virus 8

Manufacturer: AVG Technologies

Version: 8

8. Vipre Antivirus + Antispyware

Manufacturer: Sunbelt Software

9. F-Secure Anti-Virus 2009

Manufacturer: F-Secure Inc.

Version: 2009

10. Trend Micro AntiVirus with AntiSpyware 2009

Manufacturer: Trend Micro

Version: AntiVirus with AntiSpyware 2009

Semoga bermanfaat...^_^

Sumber: http://anti-virus-software-review.toptenreviews.com/

Kamis, September 24, 2009


Nggak sengaja, buka file-file documentku yang lama, aku punya kumpulan alamat website yang menyediakan hosting gratis. Dicoba aja sendiri untuk checking kesana, semoga aja masih gretongan hehehe.

PCI Free Host - http://pcifreehost.com/
12Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. 256kb filesize limit. Banner ad on each page.
Email forwarding. CGI scripts: webring, message board, form mailer and counter. URL:

EGAO.com - http://www.egao.com/
5Mb. FTP uploads. URL: �http://www.egao.com/dir/yoursite/�.

Blusurf - http://www.blusurf.net/
30Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP supported.

HomePageHost - http://homepage-host.uni.cc/
Application review in signup. 50Mb. FTP uploads. PHP, MySQL supported. Subdirectory

GalaxyHost - http://www.galaxyhost.co.uk/
Forum posting required. 150Mb with 1500Mb monthly bandwidth. FTP uploads. PHP,
MySQL, CGI, Perl supported. Cpanel provided.

Metropoliglobal - http://www.metropoliglobal.co.uk
For accepted sites. Unlimited space. FTP uploads. PHP, MySQL and CGI supported. URL:

fwsh.com - http://fwsh.com
20Mb with unlimited bandwidth. FTP uploads. PHP, MySQL, FrontPage, cron jobs
supported. URL: �http://yoursite.fwsh.com/�.

KTP Free Web Hosting - http://ktp.wigloo.com
10Mb. FTP uploads. Domain hosting. URL: �http://ktp.wigloo.com/yoursite/�.

Wigloo.com - http://www.wigloo.com/
20Mb with an OC3 connection. Banner ad on each page; no user ads. Browser or FTP
uploads. CGI scripts: message board. URL: �http://interest.wigloo.com/yoursite/�.

Free 5Mb Website - http://web.mesti.com/
5Mb. URL: �http://web.mesti.com/yoursite/�.

Bronwyn.co.uk - http://signup.bronwyn.co.uk/
12 MB. Banner and Pop-up ad on each page. URL: �http://yourname.bronwyn.co.uk�.

Tamranda Hosting - http://tamranda.com/
For approved sites. 40Mb with 1000Mb bandwidth. Text link ad on index page. FTP
uploads. PHP, MySQL, Perl, Python, CGI, MS FrontPage supported. Subdomain and domain

Web Hosting Pal - http://www.webhostingpal.com
50Mb with 5000Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP, Perl, SSI
supported. URL: �http://yoursite.webhostingpal.com/�.

20megs.com - http://www.20megs.com/
20Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. FTP or browser uploads. CGI
scripts: guestbook and message board. URL:

BuildtoLearn - http://buildtolearn.com
For accepted sites. 20Mb. FTP uploads.

MsgServerNet - http://www.msgserver.net/
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Web-based and POP3 email provided. URL:

Snake INC. - http://www.snake-inc.com/
100Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. FTP uploads. PHP supported. URL:

ZingTO - http://www.zingto.com/
25Mb with unlimited bandwidth on an OC12 connection. Ads on pages. FTP uploads. PHP
supported. URL: �http://yoursite.zingto.com/�.

TheGeekHost.com - http://www.thegeekhost.com/
For technically oriented sites. 15Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages.
Browser uploads. SSI supported. Site building and management tools. Available
scripts include guestbook, counter, appointment book, and message board. URL:

CyCoCity - http://cycocity.com/
Browser uploads. URL: �http://cycocity.com/yoursite/�.

Trash the System.co.uk - http://www.trashthesystem.co.uk
250Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP and MySQL supported.
POP3 email.

ServeYou - http://serveyou.org/
For gay sites only. 40Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Footer ad. Browser uploads. URL:

4qtherapeia.com - http://4qtherapeia.com/
Only for sites that have already been built. 10Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads.
Domain hosting. URL: �http://yoursite.joolsc.net/�.

LinkFlix.com - http://www.linkflix.com
20Mb space with 500Mb monthly bandwith. No ads. FTP uploads. JSP supported. URL:

A11.net - http://www.a11.net/
12Mb. Ads on pages. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. Templates provided. URL:

Hewbert.com - http://www.hewbert.com/
Unlimited space. 30Mb filesize limit. FTP and SSH uploads.

Star Web Hosting - http://www.starwh.com/
25Mb with unlimited bandwith. Banner ad on top of each page. PHP supported. URL:

FirefighterPages.com - http://www.firefighterpages.com/
For fire or EMS related websites. 5Mb. Form mailer and guestbook provided.

CCRTC Internet - http://www.ccrtcweb.com/
No forced ads. URL: �http://www.ccrtc.com/dir/yoursite/�.

Sakellaris Electronics - http://www.snn.gr/
12Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Templates provided. Email
forwarding. URL: �http://yoursite.snn.gr/�.

Gizba.com - http://www.gizba.com
500Mb. Browser uploads. Guestbook and message boards provided. FrontPage supported.
URL: �http://gizba.com/user/yoursite/�.

OurWeb.to - http://www.ourweb.to/
20Mb. Banner ads on pages. FTP and browser uploads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts,
CGI-BIN access provided. SSI, PHP, MySQL, ASP, MS Frontpage extensions suppported.
URL: �http://www.ourweb.to/~yoursite/�.

Free Info Center - http://www.freeinfocenter.net/
50Mb with 2Gb monthly transfer. Banner on each page. FTP uploads. Frontpage and ASP
supported. POP3 email. Domain hosting available. URL:

7H Free Web Hosting - http://www.7h.com
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Web-based email account. Site building tools. Domain
hosting. URL: �http://yoursite.7h.com/�.

Timecities.com - http://www.timecities.com/
15Mb. Banner ad at bottom of each page. Browser uploads.

12mb.com - http://www.12mb.com/
12Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Exit Pop-up on each page.

QuickFox Websites - http://users.quickfox.tk/
150Mb. No forced banner ads. SSI supported. URL:

PortalWorlds - http://www.portalworlds.net
100Mb with 250Mb bandwidth. Ads on pages. FTP uploads. POP3 email. PHP, MySQL, CGI,
Perl, SSI, ASP supported. Cpanel provided. URL: �http://yoursite.portalworlds.net/�.

Lecktronix.net - http://freehosting.lecktronix.net/
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based site builder
provided. CGI scripts: counter, guestbook and forms. URL:

2mh.net - http://www.2mh.net
100Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. URL: �http://yoursite.maddsites.com